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Richmond Hill Garage Door Services New Parts & Repairs

Having trouble opening your garage door?

Garage doors only have a few numbers of moving parts when the door opener lifts the door, so it pretty simple why it won’t open you can see if a spring broke, or rail door off track or any other electronic or by Weather element.
have an obstructed trolley, bent or broken garage door rails, an overheated motor call Stallion Garage Door Services Same Day Service

24/7 residential emergency garage door replacement and repair

Above The Rest, Stallion Garage Door Repair Richmond Hill provides emergency repairs and replacement for garage doors & Parts Such as openers, tracks, springs, keypad monitor, remotes and much more in and around Richmond Hill Ontario

garage door installer and repair technician

Our team is committed to helping you find the best garage door for your home, let’s be an honest new modern garage door guaranteed to add curb appeal and elevate the look of your home for sure.

Our technician can arrive at your home on-time and with a fully stocked truck. your garage door opener will be repaired in no time fast and quality service Guarantee

inspection and maintenance check up by Richmond Hill Garage Door Services

Garage Door Replacement We have you covered!

Stallion provides the finest residential garage doors in the style and looks for your renovation project. We will do our best to ensure your doors compliment

From broken cable repairs & off truck to a complete door replacement, we will get your residential garage doors fixed the same day we do it for many years experience and skilled team of technicians

Garage Door Repair Services New Installation

Not sure what you are looking for or what garage door you want?

Amarr, Wayne-Dalton, ClopayOverhead Doors, Raynor there is a list of the best brands and material product.

The single door garage should be operated by 1/2 hp.

On larger homes, Dubal doors that need more high-tech garage door openers, horsepower at or above 3/4 is often recommended.

today features have it all the advances in garage opener technology so call Stallion to see what fit for you Upgrade settings for higher security at home or from your vacation all with top wi-fi app controlling your garage doors 

when your garage door stops working you need service right away.

Stallion Garage Door staff experience in garage door service and repair, fully qualified to handle any job,we are fully capable of repairing and installing any new part & accessories related to garage doors,security keypads and more

coustomer support from patrick

Table of Contents

We take pride in the high quality Team work Provide

How Long Does It Take to Install a Garage Door Opener?

depends on a few factors, but you should count about 4 hours 

how the garage door operated.

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